Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gone Fishing

In the midst of preparing for teaching Sunday, can't wait too see everyone in Lafayette, IN, I began to daydream. I was reading the passage where the disciples went back to fishing. As I looked at the snow falling outside, I wished I was at the lake fishing (not ice fishing either).

In this passage, Christ asked Peter "do you love me more than these." As I began to think about the question, was it referering to the disciples. Do you love me more than the other disciples? I don't think so, God never asked us to compare ourselves to others, but rather to his standard.

I believe he was refering to the idea of "do you love me more than fish". Don't right me off yet, I believe that the fish laying there represent the secerity of Peter. Christ had died in two chapters previous, he no longer lived every waking moment with Christ. He now was alone and returned to fishing.

How often when faced with tough circumstanes do we turn to comforts of life rather than to serving Christ and others.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Others Are Watching

Yesterday during the morning worship service, their was a family sitting at the table in front of us. During one of the worship songs, his grandfather raised his hands in praise to our God. As the grandson watched, he imitated the actions of his grandfather. As I watched the boy imitated every move that the loving grandfather made. I have no idea what is going on in the life of that grandfather, but the grandson was watching ever action.

I wondered if my life of worship is being imitated by those around me. As I go through life, the joys the heartache, the relationships and the circumstances, how will I respond? If others watched me, would they know how to respond in praise and honor to God.

Remember, those around us are watching. LIVE OUT LOUD.