Sunday, May 16, 2010


My family and I are going through a time of transition. Transitions are often difficult. The difficulties comes from fear of the future and longing for the past.

Fear of the future(will life ever get back to normal, whatever that is). Fear for family (I have to if I am the ultimate provider). Fear of ministry (will I be treated the same way as in the past). If we are not careful our fear can control us and worse yet define us.

Transition also brings longing. Longing for what could have been. Longing for what should have been. My mind can constantly run to all the "what if I had..." or "what if they had...". Last night I was directed to a passage of scripture...

Isaiah 43-16-19

I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a path right through the sea. 17 I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses, to lie beneath the waves, dead, their lives snuffed out like candlewicks.

18 But forget all that--it is nothing compared to what I'm going to do! 19 For I'm going to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Don't you see it

Like Israel our worry of the past and concern for the future can cause us to miss what God is doing. Let me put it simply...

* FORGET THE PAST - God desires to do great things through you now

* THE PAST ARE NOT THE GLORY DAYS - God has done great things in the past
and will continue to do them in the future.

* HAVE FAITH IN GOD - He is preparing great things, new things, it has
begun even if we don't see it yet.

As you go through the week look for the new thing God is doing and rejoice in it. Remember, LIFE IS A JOURNEY...SO ENJOY THE RIDE.

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