As we continue to pray and plan regarding our move to help in planting Exponential Church.tv, we are reminded of some key scriptural principles. God did not design us to function on our own, but rather in partnership. That is why WE NEED YOU. We need you to pray for us. Pray that our housing will be worked out.
* That we will be kept safe
* That we will use our gifts and abilities in the best way possible
* That God, through his people, will provide the funding we need
* That Harrisburg will be receptive to the God
* That the plant team will grow in their relationship with God and each other
* That God will prompt people to join our prayer and financial partnership teams
* That our family will adjust well
* That the details of our move would be quickly worked out
* That ....
The list goes on and on. Please prayer for us as we seek to follow God's path for our lives. I love the quote I read today on prayer...
"The true church lives and moves and has its being in prayer." Leonard Ravenhil
"The true church lives and moves and has its being in prayer." Leonard Ravenhil
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