Despite popular opinion, I do like Christmas, just not what the holidays have become. This Christmas I am excited, our church has decided to be the church rather than focusing on our self. All to often Christmas is about a club that meets in it's church building, celebrating the holidays in a way that makes us feel good and with language we understand. NOT THIS YEAR.
We are embarking on the Contagious Christmas Challenge. We are encouraging each other to give to help families in need rather than just spend and celebrate on our self. The month of November we are receiving money in order to put together a package that will include gifts for the kids and grocery cards for the family. We are truly trying to do this with no agenda other than the love of Christ. Join us wherever you are...take the challenge...you don't have to send money to us, you can if you like. Be assured that 100% of what comes in will go to truly needy families. You can also do the same thing wherever you are.
The key is, find ways to make people understand that Christmas is about giving to those in need. Christ gave to those in need, He gave something we couldn't get for ourselves and that is what Contagious Christmas Challenge is about. Giving something that they couldn't get for themselves. WHY...because God loves them and so do we.