As we walked in and were waiting for our appointment, a lady began talking with Tammie, they talked about family and kids. The joy on her face was apparent as she told Tammie about her grandkids and the adventures of her life.
Jodie and Jen took us on a tour of the facility and then we sat down in the dining room for lunch. We ate lunch with a woman whose husband was no longer living and diagnosed bi-polar, she shared with us how much she loves when people come and talk with her. She shared how thankful she is for a place to stay, her goal is to become a licensed mental health professional. She reads and loves to draw. She was a dear lady who has been homeless and for the first time at nearly 50 learning to take care of herself in a way that is acceptable to society.
As we had lunch laughed and talked, and then left, I was reminded of a verse in proverbs...
Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor.
I had to ask myself some tough questions...
Do I "despise my neighbor" by talking about what I can't do rather than doing what I can?
Do I "despise my neighbor" by being to busy to find my God given talent and using it to make a difference in the world?
Do I "despise my neighbor" by ignoring rather than doing things to help those less fortunate than I.
How are you being generous to the poor. Remember, being generous is not just financially.

My best friend's husband works at Paxton:-)