This Sunday will be a momentous day in my life. Looking back over the last several years, I know that God has been preparing me for this. The launch of ExponentialChurch.tv.
The past several months I have been part of a team that has passed out nearly 10,000 fliers and cards, Held 6 community events, two preview services, countless hours at starbucks, panera, borders and other places letting others know about what God is desiring to do, spent time preparing for lifegroups and YouMatter and too many other tasks to mention.
Gilbert has his talk prepared, (by the way, it's great, I've read it), Bill and the band have their set ready, Chelsea is ready for hundreds of kids, the serving matrix is set, we have a few more invites to make, with all of this done WHY AM I SO NERVOUS. After a restless night I realize why, I AM NOT IN CONTROL. There I said it, it is difficult when the results are not up to me. I am not saying I don't have a part in the preparation, but I realized that God has to work in the heart of people. I can't control who comes, I can only invite. I can't control who accepts Christ, I can only share. I can't control who joins LifeGroups, I can only prepare to be used by God. I can't make people serve, I can only offer service opportunities and ideas.
What can I do? I can pray and rest in the one who is in control. If you're like me, evaluate where you are putting your security.
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