This morning was our second official service at EC.tv. This morning was awesome. I had the privilege of serving under Chelsea Miller, our children's ministry director. Let me say, she is doing an awesome job.
This morning I had the privilege of being wild and crazy, yes wild and crazy at church. We were wild and crazy because we are excited that God has allowed us to impact children with life changing principles.
During our small group time, I got to coach 4th and 5th graders on what it means to "love the limits." They talked about limits their parents and God puts on them. They began to understand that the limits God puts on us are for our benefits. Some of the kids in my group never thought of God as loving in the "limits". I loved this morning because it reminded me that God is loving all the time. Thanks Chelsea and all the children's ministry volunteers for teaching even the adults as you serve.
The proof that we love God comes when we keep his commandments and they are not at all troublesome. I John 5:2
Thanks Chad for your encouraging words. I really appreciate all that you have done for me. I am so thankful to be on such a great leadership team! Thanks for all you do and for your servant heart and attitude. Thanks also for your blogs, they are so inspiring and creative. You have such a gift for expressing Christ's love through writing. Hope you have a great week.