Last night we were driving back late from Ocean City, MD. The end of the trip ended with us playing some of the music that was popular in our younger years. We played Michael Jackson's Thriller and Beat it. We played some of the popular boy bands, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the block. We also listened to some of the popular religious music from the day. To our amazement our kids laughed hysterically at the icons of the day. As we listened, we realized that they are much different than today, for good reason. They sounded "funny", "old fashioned" and "ridiculous". As we looked back, these oldies went out, at least for most of us.
As I thought about that this morning, I realized that other things are "going out" that shouldn't be. No more do we see people who are compassionate, seeking justice for the oppressed and loving mercy. As I look around at the community around me, I see opportunity to participate and practice the values that should never go out. This week as we begin our week, how we will we practice justice, mercy and compassion. Is there a person who needs help? It's our job to help. Is there someone who is being abused? It's our job to help. Is there someone who is being judged? It's our job to show love and acceptance
I would recommend reading a book, "A Hole in Our Gospel". This book transformed the way I look at the world around me. It caused me to to look at compassion, social justice and mercy ministries as my responsibility. At ExponentialChurch.tv this will be our first LifeGroup series. I believe part of our living/worshipping well must include our active participation. Don't let these values go out of style like the music of our past.
After reading this I also thought about how the times are "changing", but despite the cultural changes, God's love remains the same. It's our constant in a changing world and for that I am grateful!